Product description

The V-91B000 series are a series of high-frequency VCXOs with an extremely low phase noise, close to the performance of OCXOs with the same frequency. The V-91B000 series delivers a sinusoidal signal with a level greater than +10 dBm at a supply voltage of 5 V. The overall stability including the adjustment tolerance, the frequency stability over temperature as well as voltage and load fluctuations and the long-term stability (aging) over 10 years is less than ± 25 ppm for frequencies up to 125 MHz and less than ± 30 ppm for frequencies above 125 MHz. The frequency pull range is greater than ± 30 ppm or ± 35 ppm, resulting in a so-called Absolute Pulling Range (APR) of at least ± 5 ppm. This ensures that the VCXO can be pulled to its nominal frequency under all conditions during 10 years of operation.
The robust design is characterized by low vibration sensitivity, so that the VCXOs can also be used in mobile applications.
If you use such a low phase noise VCXO in a PLL in combination with a low noise / tight stability 10 MHz OCXO such as KVG’s low phase noise OCXO series O-30, you get the advantage of both oscillators: on the one hand the good frequency stability and that very good near-carrier phase noise of the 10 MHz OCXO and for offset frequencies above 1 kHz the low electrical power, the small housing and the excellent phase noise of the 100 MHz VCXO.

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